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Life creates health challenges, some small and others large. Classical Five Element Acupuncture is an effective path to return to your natural state of health.


spring mountain acupuncture

Kate Burke is a classically trained Five Element acupuncturist, who focuses on treating the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Kate diagnoses each patient’s root cause of disease so that she may assist nature in restoring balance to the whole person. The foundation of this system of medicine is rooted in it's belief that each one of us has one Element or a combination of Elements that is both our strength and our challenge in life. As a practitioner, Kate’s job is to restore balance among the Elements so that patients return to a harmonious and enduring state of health.

Spring Mountain Acupuncture is located in Presidio National Park, near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. With ample parking, easy access to 101 and public transportation, you will be able to focus on the beauty and restorative powers of nature.




2480 Sutter
San Francisco, CA 94115


